DeFi doesn’t just stand for decentralized finance; DeFi is a community of users, developers, investors, traders, researchers, writers, and so much more. Our collective endeavors are etched into the blockchain; our stories and shared history can be found in our data.
Ask anyone who’s familiar with DeFi and they’ll tell you that it’s been exhilarating to be a part of. Week by week, we’ve crossed milestones, set new records, and broken new ground. We set goals and then build towards them until they are fulfilled. Our community takes data from the blockchain and translates it into meaningful events that represent our community’s story and what it values.
At Concourse Open, we’ve witnessed this firsthand with our Total Value Locked metric. When we built DeFi Pulse a little over a year ago, we could have never imagined how well it would be received by the community. So many stories have been told with our data and illustrated with our charts.
We want everyone to have access to the data they need. DeFi Pulse Data combines its popular DeFi metrics with data from Concourse Open’s other popular services’ APIs like ETHGasStation and Rekto which thousands of users, websites, and applications rely upon everyday to understand the decentralized ecosystem. Most notably, Ethereum gas price data provided by ETHGasStation’s API has become essential for decentralized application (DApp) developers.

We understand how valuable accurate data can be when it comes to making informed decisions or effectively accomplishing a task. That’s why anyone can try DeFi Pulse Data and access all of its comprehensive data sets by simply signing up for a free account. Because, we know the right data in the right hands can have a big impact on our community.
How we utilize data determines our past, present, and future.
The way we frame and interpret data points can tell a story, justify a design choice, confirm a hypothesize, and much much more. And when you examine our community, it couldn’t be clearer that our data represents our past actions but what we create with that data determines our future.
We share in the triumph of moments like when the total value locked (TVL) in DeFi broke $1 Billion. We cheer together however our eyes are still looking toward the future.
We see that 1 BILLION and want to build bigger and better things to get to that next billion. The data taps into something deeply rooted in our brains and inspires us to keep moving forward.
And when times get tough, we look to the data to determine what happened and how to proceed.
And when it’s all said and done, we look to the data for answers. And the best of builders, react to the data accordingly looking to rewrite our future and build for a better, safer tomorrow.
Build things for the future by understanding where we’ve been and where we are now
Whether you’re writing a blog post analyzing DeFi or building an application that needs accurate gas prices from ETH Gas Station, any task benefits from the right information. It’s easy to find the right product-market fit when you have the data to understand your users, readers, or what have you.
Independent researchers, developers, marketers, companies, consultants, journalists – everyone needs data to produce content, design new applications, and build successful business models. DeFi Pulse Data provides you with the reliable and comprehensive data you need.
Sign for DeFi Pulse Data today for free and see what the data inspires you to create. Don’t forget to share it with us on Twitter, Telegram or Discord